Wednesday, July 4, 2012
New Courier -CHEAP-
Monday, June 11, 2012
Photos of Diaper Cake TRY AND ERROR by DNS
Maman Korea Gred C+
I almost forgot to story mory about our new diapers product, Maman Korea Gred C+ ...
Here are some details :
Ready Stock as at 12June2012
Increase Price For Maman Bosomi
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Diapers at RM2 per pack ONLY!!!
- Stocks come as Maman Korea Grade C, HOWEVER , I personally myself have choose the only QUALITY and GOOD ones and repack it. By considering that we will use it to our lil one, I would not tolerate with unperfect in physically look and for our babies comfortness.
- Maman Korea C comes in various design and physical look.Some of them dont have tape,waistband, etc. But after choosing and separate it, they have been reconsider to be Grade C+ where the unperfect things about it maybe because of design only (Upside down but still colourful and GORGEOUS! )
Friday, May 4, 2012
Testimonial Of Our Diapers User
Testimoni Trial Pack EUROPE L
Europe B :
Size L = 10 pcs = RM 6.00
Size XL = 10 pcs = RM 6.50
Untuk view Lebih banyak koleksi gambar Europe L, Sila klik¬if_t=photo_album_comment
Untuk pertanyaan dan jawapan yang LEBIH SEGERA, sila SMS 0193126601 Oya.
Terima kasih ♥
Testimoni Trial Pack Maman M
Maman M :
Size S = 10 pcs = RM 5.50
Size M = 10 pcs = RM 5.50
Untuk view Lebih banyak koleksi gambar Maman M,
Sila klik
Untuk pertanyaan dan jawapan yang LEBIH SEGERA, sila SMS 0193126601 Oya.
Terima kasih ♥
Saturday, April 14, 2012
NEWBORN Diapers (Drypers)

1. Navel Care – A special cut out design that reduces friction on the umbilical cord stub.
2. 100% Breathable Cloth-Like Cover – Designed with a comfortable cloth-like cover, it keeps baby’s skin soft and fresh.
3. Durable Absorbent Core – Maintains a sturdy form, thus is less prone to breaking when wet.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Bunny Diapers Picture UPDATE! ~New!~

Monday, April 2, 2012
Maman Bosomi JUMBO PACK

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi taala wabarakatuh, and Hi moms!!!

TRIAL PACK Pricelist
Friday, March 30, 2012
Diaper Cake -Simple The Very-
Last month, my neighbour, Ah Sang and wife celebrate their new baby in their family. I was so excited because they got new baby in 2012 and their first daughter, Che Yi born in 201o as same as my first son. Their second baby, was delivered in 2012 and me too will deliver my second baby in 28/September/2012 (insyaAllah).
So,I prepared a simple dimple Diaper Cake (not like a cake , may be we can call it as HAMPER, hahaha) . You can see that I'm a CREATIVE neighbour (am i, hahaha again) , but then I still manage to make a special gift from bottom of my heart. Check it Out!!! <3

They are Maman Size S , which suit NewBorn Baby or S size baby, which weight around 3-6kgs.
I already pack them in smaller TRIAL PACK for easy USE or Travelling Pack. Mommies can try this diapers by order from us in TRIAL PACK for NEW USER. We will always HELP YOU to choose the SUITABLE Diapers for your lil angels~! Do give us your feedback,dearies~ Love:Oya Diapers
Bunny Diapers ~NEW!~
BUT..!!! Here we come with GREAT NEWS for YOU mommies and babies!!!
Yeehaaa .. its NEW ITEM here, we name it as BUNNY DIAPERS ! The very cute cartoons of rabbit(bunny) and the soft and smooth texture make I LOVE IT ! Do take a look, mommies~!

Friday, February 10, 2012
Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhoea among infants and young children,[1] and is one of several viruses that cause infections often called stomach flu, despite having no relation to influenza. It is a genus of double-stranded RNA virus in the family Reoviridae. By the age of five, nearly every child in the world has been infected with rotavirus at least once.[2]However, with each infection, immunity develops, and subsequent infections are less severe; adults are rarely affected.[3] There are five species of this virus, referred to as A, B, C, D, and E.[4] Rotavirus A, the most common, causes more than 90% of infections in humans.
The virus is transmitted by the faecal-oral route. It infects and damages the cells that line the small intestine and causesgastroenteritis. Although rotavirus was discovered in 1973[5] and accounts for up to 50% of hospitalisations for severe diarrhoea in infants and children,[6] its importance is still not widely known within the public health community, particularly in developing countries.[7] In addition to its impact on human health, rotavirus also infects animals, and is a pathogen of livestock.[8]
Rotavirus is usually an easily managed disease of childhood, but worldwide nearly 500,000 children under five years of age still die from rotavirus infection each year[9] and almost two million more become severely ill.[7] In the United States, before initiation of the rotavirus vaccination programme, rotavirus caused about 2.7 million cases of severe gastroenteritis in children, almost 60,000 hospitalisations, and around 37 deaths each year.[10] Public health campaigns to combat rotavirus focus on providing oral rehydration therapy for infected children and vaccination to prevent the disease.[11]
Thursday, January 12, 2012
- drop by at our chat box on the sidebar or
- leave a comment in our FB : diapers negeri sembilan or
- directly email us at
Robbery @ Wardina Safiyyah House , 12January 2012

“Naughty man, Ummi” kata Imran pada saya.“Dia hit ayah Imran” katanya. “Imran tak de sword, Imran” katanya. Allah, sucinya anak ini.
Amna masih trauma, sejurus setelah mereka keluar, setelah polis dan jiran bersama kami. Amna terus muntah. Satu reaksi fisiologi yang biasa bagi kanak-kanak yang trauma.
Muntahnya hijau, namun lebih hijau lagi emosinya. Saya akan cuba membina keberaniannya kembali. Satu pertanyaan Amna yang membuatkan saya terhenti. “Why did they do that Ummi?”
However, Kak Dina, we as muslims proud to know that Bro Ikhwan said :
“Jangan sentuh dia, dia tak ada tudung” MasyaAllah, begitulah suami saya menjaga kehormatan saya. Dalam saat ini pun dia tidak mahu sesiapa pun melihat ‘hak’nya.and
Saya yakin tidak akan mereka sentuh sama sekali! Juga tersusun di rak itu Quran-Quran saya. Sampainya dia memegang Quran berwarna hijau muda, Ikhwan berkata “Quran tak nak?” memerli sinis dirinya. Dia Cuma diam.
Ikhwan mula membaca Ayatul-Kursi dengan nada tinggi. Dia menyuruh Ikhwan diam. Mungkin tergetar juga hatinya. Saya mengikut. Al-Falaq menyusul.
We will always support you , family and friends in our way to get closer and know Islam more, and apply it on our everyday life.
Allah Always Be With The Patient Muslim, amin,
Your muslimah sister,

Mrs Oya Suraya & family
Diapers Negeri Sembilan , Nilai.
FB : Manja Mama D'Parfum
****** to view more about Wardina Safiyyah stories, please click this link TRAUMA! . ******
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Europe Diapers - Grade A and Grade B

Choking Death - FISHBALL - Nilai

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Maman Bosomi

S80pcs RM36, trial 10pcs RM5.50
M80pcs RM38, trial 10pcs RM5.50
L75pcs RM42, trial 10pcs RM6.50
XL70pcs RM45, trial 10pcs RM7.00